Biodiversity of Gosa area
Biodiversity of Gosa area
U. Šilc, A. Mullaj, A. Ibraliu, M. Petrović, Z. Dajić Stevanović
Aim of our lecture:
Gosa area-
Shkumbini River estuary
Gosa area
complex ecosystem of many habitats:
at least 180 species
11 important from conservational aspect
9 endangered
2 vulnerable
Pancratium maritimum L.
Aster albanicus ssp. paparisti Qosja
Hypericum perforatum L.
Elymus farctus (Viv).
Runemark ex Melderis
Ammophila arenaria
Embryonic shifting dunes
Shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria
Retrodunes and depressions
Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.
Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and Pinus halepensis
Salicornia colonizing mud and sand
Halophilous scrubs (Arthrocnemum fruticosum)
Salt meadows (Juncus maritimus, Juncus acuta, Bolboschoenus maritimus)
Water fringe vegetation (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, Scirpus lacustris ...)
Riparian forest dominated by Salix species
Tamarix and chaste tree galleries and thickets
Imeri et al. 2010
Imeri et al. 2010
Vegetation (Habitat types)
14 habitats (even more plant communities)
3 of Community interest
(Habitats with priority status, included in Annex I to Directive 92/43/EEC)
Vegetation (Habitat types)
Supporting services
þ nutrient dispersal and cycling
- seed dispersal
þ Primary production
Provisioning services:
þ food (including seafood and game), crops, wild foods, and spices
þ water
- minerals (including diatomite)
þ pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, and industrial products
- energy (hydropower, biomass fuels)
Regulating services:
þ carbon sequestration and climate regulation
þ waste decomposition and detoxification
þ purification of water and air
þ crop pollination
- pest and disease control
Cultural services:
þ cultural, intellectual and spiritual inspiration
þ recreational experiences (including ecotourism)
þ scientific dicovery
In this small area, many plant and animal species and communities found their home.
Therefore we must realize that we are not alone in this beautiful area and that we are to respect their homes.