Matjaž Gregorič, PhD
- Vice-Chair of Institute
- Head of Research Station Maribor
Research interests
I am mainly interested in the evolution and functional ecology of spider webs and material properties of silk, as well as how spider webs and silk can be used as eDNA sources. I am also interested in how sexual and natural selections shape behaviors.
Selected publications
- Šet J., Šturm R., Koderman B., Bevk D., Gogala A., Kutnjak D., Čandek K., Gregorič M. 2024. DNA barcoding insufficiently identifies European wild bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophila) due to undefined species diversity, genus-specific barcoding gaps, and database errors. Molecular Ecology Resources 00: e13953
- Kuntner M., Čandek K., Gregorič M., Turk E., Hamilton C. A., Chamberland L., Starrett J., Cheng R. C., Coddington J. A., Agnarsson I., Bond J. E. 2023. Increasing information content and diagnosability in family-level classifications. Systematic Biology 2023: syad021.
- Gregorič M., Kutnjak D., Bačnik K., Gostinčar C., Pecman A., Ravnikar M., Kuntner M. 2022. Spider webs as eDNA samplers: Biodiversity assessment across the tree of life. Molecular Ecology Resources 22: 2534–2545.
- Luo Y., Goh S. P., Li D., Gonzaga M. O., Santos A. J., Tanikawa A., Yoshida H., Haddad C. R., May-Collado L. J., Gregorič M., Turk E., Kuntner M., Agnarsson I. 2020. Global diversification of Anelosimus spiders driven by long distance overwater dispersal and Neogene climate oscillations. Systematic Biology 69: 1122–1136.
- Kuntner M., Hamilton C. A., Cheng R.-C., Gregorič M., Lupše N., Lokovšek T., Moriarty Lemmon E., Lemmon A. R., Agnarsson I., Coddington J. A. & Bond J. E. 2019. Golden orbweavers ignore biological rules: Phylogenomic and comparative analyses unravel a complex evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Systematic Biology syy082.
- Gregorič, M., Šuen, K., Cheng, R.C., Kralj-Fišer, S. & Kuntner, M. 2016. Spider sexual behaviors include oral sexual encounters. Scientific Reports 6: 25128.
- Quiñones-Lebrón S.G., Kralj-Fišer, S., Gregorič, M., Lokovšek, T., Čandek, K., Haddad, C.R. & Kuntner, M. 2016. Potential costs of heterospecific sexual interactions in golden orbweb spiders (Nephila spp.). Scientific Reports 6:36908.
- Gregorič, M., Agnarsson, I., Blackledge, T.A. & Kuntner, M. 2015. Phylogenetic position and composition of Zygiellinae and Caerostris, with new insight into orb-web evolution and gigantism. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 175: 225–243.
- Gregorič, M., Blackledge, T.A., Agnarsson, I., & Kuntner, M. 2015. A molecular phylogeny of bark spiders reveals new species from Africa and Madagascar (Araneae: Araneidae: Caerostris). Journal of Arachnology 43: 293–312.
- Gregorič, M., Kuntner, M. & Blackledge, T.A. 2015. Does body size predict foraging effort? Patterns of material investment in spider orb webs. Journal of Zoology 296: 67–78.
- Gregorič, M., Kiesbüy, H. C., Quiñones Lebrón, S. G., Rozman, A., Agnarsson, I. & Kuntner, M. 2013. Optimal foraging, not biogenetic law, predicts spider orb web allometry. Naturwissenschaften 100: 263-268.
- Gregorič, M., Agnarsson, I., Blackledge, T. A. & Kuntner, M. 2011. How did the spider cross the river? Behavioral adaptations for river-bridging webs in Caerostris darwini(Araneae: Araneidae). PLoS ONE 6: e26847.
- Gregorič, M., Agnarsson, I., Blackledge, T. A. & Kuntner, M. 2011. Darwin’s bark spider: Giant prey in giant orb webs (Caerostris darwini, Araneae: Araneidae)? Journal of Arachnology 39: 287-295.
Selected projects
The design of the methodology for the monitoring of wild pollinators in Slovenia (target research program • November 1, 2019 - November 30, 2022)
Towards working protocols for the use of eDNA from spider webs (fundamental research project • July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
Biodiversity: patterns, processes, predictions and conservation (research programme • January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2017)
Towards working protocols for the use of eDNA from spider webs (fundamental research project • July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022)
Biodiversity: patterns, processes, predictions and conservation (research programme • January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2017)
Curriculum Vitae
- PhD: 2013, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- B.S.: 2008, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Born 31. October 1981 in Maribor, Slovenia, Slovenian citizen
- Spoken languages: Slovenian (mother tongue), English (active), German (active), Serbo-Croatian (passive), Spanish (passive)
- 2015 – present: Research Associate at the Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Research Centre
- of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia
- 2014: Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Biology, University of Akron, USA
- 2009 – 2013: PhD candidate, employed at Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- 2003 – 2009: Student work, volunteering:
- Institute of Biology ZRC SAZU (2006 – 2009, laboratory and field work, biological curation)
- Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora (2007 – 2008, field work in nature conservation projects)
- Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana (2008, curation of spider collection)
- Biology Student Society (2003 – 2009, regular participant and mentor of the spider group at field days, weekends and camps, participant in several nature conservation activities)
GRANTS (asterisks mark grants as PI)
- 2021-2024: Basic research project, ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency, titled “fDNAaqua – Environmental DNA trapped by filter feeders (fDNA): Tool for aquatic biodiversity monitoring”, ca. 300,000 EUR
- 2019-2022: Target research project, ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency, titled, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, titled “The design of the methodology for the monitoring of wild pollinators in Slovenia, ca. 150,000 EUR
- *2019-2022: Basic research project, ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency, titled “Towards working protocols for the use of eDNA from spider webs”, ca. 300,000 EUR
- *2017-2019: Postdoc, ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency, titled “Spider webs as a source of environmental DNA”, ca. 100,000 EUR
- 2017-2021: Postdoc (PIs T. Blackledge, J. Garb, I. Agnarsson), NSF – National Science Foundation, USA (IOS-1656460), titled "Collaborative Research: Comparative analyses of structural designs underlying functional performance of the toughest spider silk", 903,385 USD
- *2015-2017: ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency, grant “Promoting the employment of young PhDs”, 25,666.85 EUR
- *2011: Explorer’s Club, Exploration Fund 2011, titled “Caerostris spiders of Madagascar: extraordinary biology in rapidly diminishing forests”, 3,000 USD
- *2011: Public Scholarship and Development Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, Public Grant of Scholarships and Co-Financing of Research Cooperation of Slovenian Doctoral Students Abroad in 2010 and 2011, 5,000 EUR
- Excellent in Science, category Natural Sciences, Slovenian Research Agency (2022)
- Prometheus of science for excellence in communication in 2020, Slovenian Science Foundation (2020)
- Associate editor: Frontiers in Arachnid Science (2022-present), Science of Nature (2017-present)
- Council member, webmaster: European Society of Arachnology (2022-present)
- Organizing committee member: 27th European Congress of Arachnology, 2.-7. September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia; International Conference on River Drava, 23.-24. September 2010, Dravograd, Slovenia
- Society membership: International Society of Arachnology, European Society of Arachnology, Biology Student Society of Slovenia
- Ad hoc peer reviews for (alphabetical): Acta Biologica Serbica, Annales Zoologici Fennici, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Applied Sciences, Arachnologische Mitteilungen, Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology, Biodiversity Data Journal, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biology Letters, BMC Zoology, Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society, Diversity, Ecology and Evolution, Entomologia Croatica, Environmental Entomology, Ethology, Ethology Ecology & Evolution, European Journal Of Taxonomy, Evolutionary Systematics, Haquetia, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Journal of Arachnology, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Journal of Ethology, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Journal of the Royal Society Open Science, Journal of the Royal Society South Africa, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Natura Sloveniae, Oriental Insects, Peer J, PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports, Oriental Insects, Scientific Reports, The Science of Nature, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, Zookeys, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
- Since 2015 I am the author of a biweekly science podcast Metamorfoza, presenting news and interesting stories from organismal biology, with the prime intention to popularize science and present it in a laymen-understandable fashion.
- I have given several interviews and oral opinions on science related topics: appearance in TV show “Ugriznimo v znanost” (2016, 2017); coworker at creating a five-part radio series for the show “Frekvenca X” (2019); interviews for newspapers Delo (2016), Večer (2018); comments for radio shows “Frekvenca X” and “Noetova banda” (both 2016); comments for daily TV news “Dnevnik” (2016), “Svet” (2016), and “24ur” (2015, 2016); interviews for the radio shows “Razkošje v glavi” (2019) “Frequenzia della scienzia” (2016), podcasts “Metin čaj”, “Podrobnosti”, and “Številke” (all 2016), the online news portal “24ur” (2016), and for Jana journal (2002); written comments for the newspaper “Dnevnik” (2016) and the online news portal “MMC” (2015). I have written science opinions (Epicenter, 2007), have presented the European spider of the year to the Slovenian public (2008-2013, 2017; in collaboration with the European arachnological society), and have been an advisor for episode 1 of the science documentary “The Hunt” (BBC, UK).
- Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, 2022-: Lecturer in 4 courses
- University of Ljubljana, 2019-: Mentor, PhD thesis: Janko Šet
- University of Ljubljana, 2020: Co-mentor, Msc thesis: Janko Šet
- University of Ljubljana, 2018: Co-mentor, Msc thesis: Klavdija Šuen
- University of Ljubljana, 2018: Co-mentor, Msc thesis: Rok Golobinek
- Ingi Agnarsson, University of Iceland, Iceland (systematic and evolutionary biology, biodiversity)
- Paul Babb, University of Pennsylvania, USA (genomics)
- Todd Blackledge, University of Akron, USA (evolutionary ecology, biomaterials)
- Jason Bond, University of California, Davis, USA (systematics)
- Ren-Chung Cheng, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (systematics, evolutionary biology)
- Jonathan Coddington, Smithsonian Institution, USA (systematic and evolutionary biology, biodiversity)
- Ali Dhinojwala, University of Akron, USA (biomaterials)
- Holger Frick, National Office of Environment, Liechtenstein (systematics, biodiversity)
- Jessica Garb, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA (evolutionary biology, genomics)
- Charles Haddad, University of Free State, South Africa (biodiversity, spider ecology)
- Chris Hamilton, University of Florida, USA (systematics, genomics)
- Henrik Krehenwinkel, University Trier, Germany (biodiversity)
- Christian Kropf, Natural History Museum Berne, Switzerland (biodiversity)
- Denis Kutnjak, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (systems biology)
- Alan R. Lemmon, Florida State University, USA (systematics, genomics)
- Daiqin Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore (evolutionary and behavioral ecology)
- Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Florida State University, USA (systematics, genomics)
- Maja Ravnikar, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (systems biology)
- Meta Virant-Doberlet, National Institute of Biology, Slovenia (animal ecology, behavior)
- Benjamin Voight, University of Pennsylvania, USA (genomics)
Research areas
Ecology B003
Zoology B005