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Sustainable farming models in the Natura 2000 areas


Degradation and dissapearance of habitats due to land use changes and agriculture intenzification are one of most important factors of biodiversity loss. Key instrument of nature conservation policy in Europe in Natura 2000 network. The harmonization of production and nature conservation objectives in these areas requires careful consideration of the land use management and the balancing of economic, agronomic and nature conservation objectives. Based on the initial definition of the research problem, the expected objectives of the cofinancier and the literature review, we have raised the specific project goals:
•    identify nature conservation goals and measures for conervation of selected qualifying species of bird and butterflies and habitat types in Natura 2000 areas and form groups of Natura 2000 areas for planning agricultural policy instruments;
•    identify nature conservation, production and socio-economic needs and goals on selected Natura 2000 areas;
•    analyse possibility of their implementation on sample of farms and particularly based on model agricultural holdings and developed for problem solving and possibilities of sustainable agriculture;
•    verify the readiness of agricultural holdings to adapt agricultural practices and the acceptability of market valorization and various agricultural policy instruments;
•    develop guidelines for sustainable farming in selected Natura 2000 areas and guidelines for the integration of Natura 2000 network management into agricultural policy planning;
•    develop guidelines for the market valorization of agricultural ecosystem services in Natura 2000 sites and examine the possibilities for establishing the "Natura 2000" brand;
•    verify the possibilities for the criteria definition for granting the status of "Natura 2000 farm" and improving communication with agricultural holdings in Natura 2000 areas.
In seeking answers to the above questions, we will use different methods of data
acquisition and analysis (literature reviews, surveys, interviews, modelling, ...). The work on
the project will be organized in four work packages.
The expected results will be presented in the form of interim and final reports, scientific
publications and press releases.

Raziskovalni projekt

Ključne besede
Natura 2000
Common Agricultural Policy
agri-environmental measures
strategic planning
market valorisation