Expertise on fundaments for establishment of Natura 2000 network – Lepidoptera
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Tatjana Čelik, PhDProject Team
Tatjana Čelik, PhD, dr. Rudi Verovnik, Stanislav Gomboc, Franc Rebeušek, Mojmir Lasan, Tomaž Seliškar-
1 September 2003–1 September 2004 -
Financial Source
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije
Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora, University of Ljubljana, Biotehnical Faculty, Department of Biology and Agronomy
The distribution, ecology, size and viability of popualtions, and endangerment of 13 species of Lepidoptera (Leptidea morsei, Colias myrmidone, Lycaena dispar, Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous, Euphydryas aurinia, Hypodryas maturna, Nymphalis vaualbum, Erebia calcaria, Coenonympha oedippus, Eriogaster catax, Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Erannis ankeraria) listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and present in Slovenia were studied, and an expert proposals of potential Site of Community Interest (pSCI) were designated for each of them.